Pathways to Berklee

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    Pathways to Berklee is a special opportunity for students who have received an official notification of acceptance from Berklee’s admissions office, inviting them to enroll at Berklee.

    Rimon has a long-standing partnership with Berklee and through that partnership, students are invited to complete their first year of study at Rimon.  Study at Rimon offers you a very affordable option for completing your first year of Berklee studies.

    Rimon School of Music is Israel’s leading institution of higher learning for jazz and contemporary music. Rimon is one of the founding members of the Berklee Global Partners (BGP), Berklee and Rimon have maintained close academic and musical ties for over 20 years.

    In addition to our high standards of academic study, Rimon offers a rich musical environment emphasizing creativity, diversity and musical excellence. The year at Rimon encompasses a variety of academic activities and engagements which will allow you to fully immerse yourself in the study of music while getting to know Israel, its rich culture and music.

    During your full-year study in English, you will join international students from all over the world, some who will also continue to Berklee. You will also engage with Rimon’s Israeli students.

    Your program includes workbooks, textbooks, and counseling, and advising services for English speakers.You will enjoy a variety of extracurricular activities throughout the school term.

    The one-year,Berklee-approved program at Rimon includes core music curriculum, harmony, ear training, keyboard, arranging, instrumental study, ensemble, music technology and much more. Classes are taught in English and most use Berklee text.

    The program includes full access to the school’s rehearsal rooms, computer labs, recording studios, learning facilities and other performance spaces. With assistance from our referral services, our students independently rent modern apartments/rooms in close proximity to the school.

    Additional Program Highlights
    The year of study at Rimon offers the opportunity to acquire a global perspective and gain a taste of independent living all while fulfilling cultural and musical Israeli experience. the program  includes a variety of activities, allowing students to learn more about this fascinating region of the world. Today’s Israel offers unique multi-cultural surroundings.

    Once you have decided to join us the Rimon community, you will receive an update on all relevant procedures you will need to take in order to enter Israel as an international student.

    The year of study at Rimon is a first meaningful step on your journey to join the Berklee community.

    For more information regarding Pathways to Berklee please write us at: