RIMON AND RAMAT HASHARONThe Municipality of Ramat Hasharon has welcomed Rimon since it was established 25 years ago, and has given a warm and supportive home to the school. |
RIMON AND ISRAEL MINISTRY OF CULTURE & SPORTThe Israel Ministry of Culture & Sport has been supporting the development of the school by granting financial support which enables annual projects and teachers’ workshops. To the official website of The Israel Ministry of Culture & Sport |
RIMON AND BERKLEE COLLEGE OF MUSIC1. Academic Agreement A special two-way Articulation Agreement between Rimon and Berklee enables students to continue learning and complete their degree at Berklee or Rimon. Deserving students receive generous scholarships towards their studies. Most of the Rimon students that have participated in the Articulation program at Berklee have graduated with honors. For more information about the Articulation Agreement between Rimon and Berklee 2. The Berklee International Network for Contemporary Music Education (BIN) With the help of Lee Elliot Berk, former President of Berklee, Rimon became one of the founding members of BIN – Berklee International Network. BIN is a shared endeavor, designed to promote effective contemporary music education among its members. By establishing an open and creative dialogue between musicians and educators from different countries, BIN improves the quality of musical studies worldwide. |
Berkleemusic – Online StudiesWe have also partnered with Berkleemusic.com, the online extension school of Berklee College of Music. Learn more about Berkleemusic |
RIMON AND THE JERUSALEM ACADEMY OF MUSIC AND DANCERimon School and The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance offer a combined curriculum which entitles its graduates with a Bachelor Degree in Music: B. Mus. The four year curriculum includes three majors: Jazz performance, Multidisciplinary writing and composition and Multidisciplinary singing/ poetry. The courses are held in both Rimon campus in Ramat Hasharon and the Academy campus in Givat Ram, Jerusalem. Credits acquired from courses taken at Rimon can be acknowledged for the combined curriculum upon the curriculum chair’s approval. To the official website of The Jerusalem academy of music and dance |
RIMON AND LEVINSKY COLLEGE FOR EDUCATIONRimon and Levinsky College offer a combined curriculum which entitles ita graduates with a Bachelor Degree in Education (B.Ed), a Teaching Certificate and a Rimon Graduation Diploma. Students who take the program will study most of their music courses at Rimon and will take education and music education courses at Levinsky College (Detailed list of the education courses may be obtained at the Levinsky College website). |
RIMON AND THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOLS OF JAZZ (IASJ)Rimon is one of the founding schools of The International Association of Schools of Jazz, lead by jazz great Dave Liebman. Liebman wanted to strengthen the connection between jazz students and teachers across the world, through playing and information sessions which take place every year in one of the member countries. Rimon is represented in this annual assembly by winners of “The Hagai Eitan jazz competition” which is held at Rimon each year. |
RIMON AND THE ISRAELI MUSICIANS’ UNIONThe Israeli Musicians Union offers a one year free membership to Rimon graduates and grant a scholarship, named after the late jazz saxophonist Roman Kuntzman, to an excellent student for his/her achievements and merits. |
EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT WITH AVID COMPANYAccording to the agreement, Rimon is the qualified institution in Israel for PROTOOLS studies. |
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